Key Features of the

Stress S.O.S. Program:

  • Self-Discovery & Assessment

    • Identify your main stress triggers and current stress levels through guided self-assessments.

    • Understand what is being done now to handle stress and identify areas for improvement.

  • Mindset Mastery:

    • Develop a resilient mindset to tackle stress head-on.

    • Learn techniques to shift your perspective and maintain a positive outlook.

  • Immediate Stress-Busting Techniques:

    • Implement practical stress relief methods that seamlessly integrate into your daily routine.

    • Experience immediate relief and build a toolkit of techniques to manage stress effectively.

  • Personalized Stress Management Action Plan

    • Work out a tailored action plan that addresses your unique stressors and lifestyle.

    • Develop long-term strategies for maintaining stress resilience and achieving balance.

  • Building Resilience & Sustainability:

    • Learn how to build and sustain stress resilience over time.

    • Access ongoing support through bi-weekly live meet-ups, community engagement, and a 30-day post-program check-in.



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