Sisters, It's Time to Put Yourself First

Discover the strategies you need to master balance and reclaim control of your life

You don't have to choose between success and well-being


This book will show you how to transform your life from chaos to calm.

"Girl, Get Your Life Off The Fault Line" will guide you from "overwhelmed" to making strides in the direction of your dreams — even if you feel like you've lost control and have no idea how to prioritize your well-being while still achieving success.


Whose well-being do you prioritize most in your life?

A third of our lives are spent working, and for many professional women, even more time is devoted to caring for others.

If that truth makes your heart sink because you know you're spending so much of your precious time and energy on everyone else's needs, you're not alone.

Most women have been led to believe that prioritizing their own well-being is selfish — that they must constantly give to their careers, families, and communities, even at the expense of their own health and happiness. But most women are wrong...

The truth is, you can't pour from an empty cup.

You deserve to thrive, not just survive.

And it's not only possible but essential to prioritize your own well-being while still achieving success and fulfillment in your personal and professional life.

It's time to put yourself first, without guilt or apology. You deserve to live a balanced, fulfilling life, and "Girl, Get Your Life Off The Fault Line" will show you how.

That's where "Girl, Get Your Life Off The Fault Line" comes in.

Dr. Judy Wright shares her proven system for helping professional women like you sidestep burnout, reclaim control, and achieve the balance and empowerment you deserve.

Dr. Wright guides you through the process of:

dentifying and overcoming the barriers holding you back from prioritizing

your well-being

Developing resilience and adaptability in the face of stress and

overwhelming demands

Implementing effective self-care strategies and setting boundaries

to prevent burnout

Unlocking your fullest potential and achieving personal and professional excellence

"Girl, Get Your Life Off The Fault Line" Is a Step-by-Step Guide for Achieving Balance and Unlocking Your Fullest Potential...

... So You Can Break Free From Overwhelm and Reclaim Your Power as a

Professional Woman

In the pages of "Girl, Get Your Life Off The Fault Line," you will find all the resources and strategies necessary to step into your power as a balanced, fulfilled, and successful professional woman (even if you feel like you've lost control!), including:

  • Practical tools and exercises for assessing your current situation, identifying your priorities, and creating a personalized action plan

  • Effective strategies for managing stress, building resilience, and overcoming barriers to balance and success

  • Guidance on implementing self-care practices, setting boundaries, and cultivating a support system

Whether you're on the brink of burnout or simply yearning for a more fulfilling and balanced life,

"Girl, Get Your Life Off The Fault Line" provides the roadmap and support you need to reclaim your power and thrive in every aspect of your life.



For Reclaiming Your Power and Achieving Balance?

Your time is precious, and you want to spend it on what truly matters to you

  • You're over generic self-help advice and want a realistic action plan

  • You can't remember the last time you prioritized your own needs and desires

  • You want a sense of fulfillment that doesn't rely on external validation

  • You don't want to feel like you're only as good as what you do for others

  • You want more to look forward to than a few moments of self-care

  • You're tired of hearing "this is just the way it is for professional women"

  • You could use someone with 20+ years of experience guiding you on your journey

If any of these resonate with you, then "Girl, Get Your Life Off The Fault Line" is the book you've been waiting for.

Dr. Judy Wright understands the unique challenges professional women face, and she's here to help you break free from the cycle of overwhelm and reclaim your power.

Hey there!

I'm Dr. Judy Wright

As a physician, author, educator, leader, spouse, mother, international speaker, life balance strategist, and DIY enthusiast, I know firsthand the challenges of juggling multiple roles and responsibilities.

But I also know that it's possible to achieve balance and fulfillment without sacrificing your own well-being. That's why I've made it my mission to help professional women like you break free from the cycle of overwhelm and reclaim your power.

If you're ready to break free from overwhelm and reclaim your power, then I invite you to join me on this journey.


Full disclosure, I was overwhelmed and burnt out before I started prioritizing my own well-being.

So those feelings of fear and self-doubt you may be experiencing? They're normal.

But that doesn't mean they're based in reality — deep inside, so many of us as professional women believe we aren't worthy enough, resilient enough, deserving enough... the list of "not-enoughness" could go on and on.

The truth is, you're more than ready. You're worthy of a balanced, fulfilling life, and you have the power within you to make it happen. All you need is the right guidance, tools, and support to break free from the cycle of overwhelm and reclaim your power.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Life from Chaos to Calm?

Don't spend another day feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled. You deserve to thrive, not just survive. Take the first step towards the balanced, empowered life you desire and order your copy of "Girl, Get Your Life Off The Fault Line" today.

For only $20 (includes Shipping)